#pas uses Winsock; function PortTCP_IsOpen(dwPort : Word; ipAddressStr:AnsiString) : boolean; var client : sockaddr_in; sock : Integer; ret : Integer; wsdata : WSAData; begin Result:=False; ret := WSAStartup($0002, wsdata); //initiates use of the Winsock DLL if ret<>0 then exit; try client.sin_family := AF_INET; //Set the protocol to use , in this case (IPv4) client.sin_port := htons(dwPort); //convert to TCP/IP network byte order (big-endian) client.sin_addr.s_addr := inet_addr(PAnsiChar(ipAddressStr)); //convert to IN_ADDR structure sock :=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); //creates a socket Result:=connect(sock,client,SizeOf(client))=0; //establishes a connection to a specified socket finally WSACleanup; end; end;