Add(FTCG_Tools,2656768,301,210) { @Hint=#16:Код сканирования| @Color=11141375 AddHint(-132,55,109,13,@Hint) } BEGIN_SDK Add(EditMultiEx,5627770,21,21) { WorkCount=#5:doFor| EventCount=#7:onColor|3:onX|3:onY|0:| DataCount=#1:B|1:W|1:H|2:BB|1:K|2:WK|0:| Width=580 Height=690 link(doFor,16021698:doPrint,[(39,27)(39,48)]) } Add(VisualInline,16021698,56,42) { Lines=#0:|4:Var |31: C,I,J,X,Y,H,W,K,WK:Integer;|18: B,BB:PBitmap; |12: D:Tdata;|4: |27:Procedure EVI(N,E:Integer);|5:begin|16: dtInteger(d,N);|48:_hi_OnEvent(THIFTCG_Tools(FParent).Events[e],d);|4:end;|0:|6:begin |0:|33: With THIFTCG_Tools(FParent) do |8: begin|32: B:= toBitmapEvent(Datas[0]);|33: W:= toIntegerEvent(Datas[1]);|33: H:= toIntegerEvent(Datas[2]);|33: BB:= toBitmapEvent(Datas[3]);|54: K:= toIntegerEvent(Datas[4]); |34: WK:= toIntegerEvent(Datas[5]);|8: end; |23://I:=0; while i< H do |21: For I:= 0 to h-1 do |7: begin|29: Y:=(I*3) + (K div 3);|35: if I < h then EVI(y,2); |24://J:=0; while J< W do |23: For J:=0 to w-1 do|12: begin|35: C:= b.Canvas.Pixels[i,j]; |27: X:=(j*3)+ K mod 3;|23: X:=ABS(Wk-X); |25: bb.Pixels[X,Y]:=C;|30: Applet.ProcessMessages; |31: if J < w then EVI(x,1); |37: EVI(c,0); |11: // J:=J+1;|6: end;|11: // i:=i+1;|7: end; |2: |11:end; | Width=418 Height=582 } END_SDK