Сейчас выдаёт ошибку в строке 28058
function CloseRaw; external kernel32 name 'CloseRaw';
[quote][Pascal Error] Windows.pas(28058): E2037 Declaration of 'CloseRaw' differs from previous declaration
[Pascal Error] Windows.pas(28857): E2037 Declaration of 'InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount' differs from previous declaration
[Pascal Error] Windows.pas(31689): E2037 Declaration of 'SetWinEventHook' differs from previous declaration
[Pascal Error] Windows.pas(31750): E2037 Declaration of 'UnhookWinEvent' differs from previous declaration
[Pascal Warning] Windows.pas(32047): W1024 Combining signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Pascal Fatal Error] hiMainForm_E57180.pas(6): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'Windows.pas'[/quote]