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#1: 2011-03-05 15:29:52 ЛС | профиль | цитата
Build start...
...\Elements\Delphi\code\hiSysMenu.pas(31) Warning: Variable 'mHandle' might not have been initialized

...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiBitBtn.pas(31) Warning: Redeclaration of '_prop_Flat' hides a member in the base class

ActiveKOL.pas(564) Warning: Return value of function 'TEnumPropDesc.StringToValue' might be undefined

...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiClipboardHook.pas(77) Warning: Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands

...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiStringTable.pas(253) Warning: Return value of function 'THIStringTable._OnCompareLVItems' might be undefined

...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiImgBtn.pas(28) Warning: Redeclaration of '_prop_Flat' hides a member in the base class

Compress code
End build

[size=-2]------ Добавлено в 15:29
Assasin, Roma, схему чего? я любитель, я не программист по образованию...
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