При закрытии формы - Runtime Error!
с Delphi все OK
Compiling ActiveKOL.pas
ActiveKOL.pas(8,2) Fatal: Can't open include file "KOLDEF.INC"
Error: H:\HiAsm362b160\compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
ActiveKOL.pas(8,2) Fatal: Can't open include file "KOLDEF.INC"
Error: H:\HiAsm362b160\compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
[size=-2]------ Добавлено в 00:35
Извиняюсь. Забыл про VBJ+FPC=Error