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#1: 2007-02-17 12:44:11 ЛС | профиль | цитата
Нашел у себя комп незамараный HiAsm-ом
Установил HiAsm+FPC. Файл KOLDEF.INC есть !
При первой компиляции пустой формы:
Build start...
Generated code
Create project...
Command line: fpc.exe '"C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas"' -Sd -Mdelphi '"-FEC:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\"' '"-FUC:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\\units"' -FDtools\ -CX -dF_P
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.9.6 [2004/12/31] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2004 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas
Compiling Windows.pas
Windows.pas(1821,4) Warning: Illegal compiler directive "$NODEFINE"
Windows.pas(1823,5) Warning: Illegal compiler directive "$HPPEMIT"
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\hiMainForm.pas
Compiling kol.pas
Compiling Messages.pas
Compiling RichEdit.pas
kol.pas(5566,69) Warning: range check error while evaluating constants
kol.pas(5570,76) Warning: range check error while evaluating constants
kol.pas(6743,56) Warning: range check error while evaluating constants
kol.pas(6897,56) Warning: range check error while evaluating constants
kol.pas(10706,30) Warning: range check error while evaluating constants
Compiling ShellAPI.pas
Compiling commdlg.pas
Compiling ShlObj.pas
kol.pas(19692,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
kol.pas(23414,3) Warning: Some fields coming after "fCustom" weren't initialized
kol.pas(23424,3) Warning: Some fields coming after "fCustom" weren't initialized
kol.pas(41643,60) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
kol.pas(41646,60) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
kol.pas(50737,63) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
kol.pas(53410,28) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
kol.pas(53409,44) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
kol.pas(54982,63) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
kol.pas(55617,9) Note: Local variable "ClientAfter" is assigned but never used
kol.pas(61381,16) Warning: Class types "TAction" and "TObj" are not related
kol.pas(61568,22) Warning: Class types "TActionList" and "TObj" are not related
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Share.pas
Compiling WinSock.pas
WinSock.pas(13,2) Warning: Illegal compiler directive "$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT"
WinSock.pas(44,3) Warning: Illegal compiler directive "$HPPEMIT"
WinSock.pas(51,4) Warning: Illegal compiler directive "$NODEFINE"
Share.pas(212,30) Warning: Some fields coming after "Event" weren't initialized
Share.pas(214,41) Warning: Some fields coming before "next" weren't initialized
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Debug.pas
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Win.pas
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\KOLMHToolTip.pas
KOLMHToolTip.pas(46,5) Warning: Destructor should be public
KOLMHToolTip.pas(46,16) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "destructor TMHToolTipManager.Destroy"
KOLMHToolTip.pas(82,16) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "destructor TMHHint.Destroy"
KOLMHToolTip.pas(116,16) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "destructor TMHToolTip.Destroy"
Compiling resource C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\allres.res
Project1.pas(68,1) Error: Can't call the linker, switching to external linking
Project1.pas(68,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Closing script C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\ppas.bat
Error: C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
End build
компиляция неудачная - пока не разбираюсь

[size=-2]------ Добавлено в 12:33
Вторая компиляция:
Build start...
Generated code
Create project...
Command line: fpc.exe '"C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas"' -Sd -Mdelphi '"-FEC:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\"' '"-FUC:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\\units"' -FDtools\ -CX -dF_P
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.9.6 [2004/12/31] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2004 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Share.pas
Share.pas(212,30) Warning: Some fields coming after "Event" weren't initialized
Share.pas(214,41) Warning: Some fields coming before "next" weren't initialized
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Debug.pas
Compiling resource C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\allres.res
Project1.pas(68,1) Error: Can't call the linker, switching to external linking
Project1.pas(68,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Closing script C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\ppas.bat
Error: C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
End build

[size=-2]------ Добавлено в 12:37
Третий запуск:
Build start...
Generated code
Create project...
Command line: fpc.exe '"C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas"' -Sd -Mdelphi '"-FEC:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\"' '"-FUC:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\\units"' -FDtools\ -CX -dF_P
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.9.6 [2004/12/31] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2004 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Share.pas
Share.pas(212,30) Warning: Some fields coming after "Event" weren't initialized
Share.pas(214,41) Warning: Some fields coming before "next" weren't initialized
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\Debug.pas
Compiling resource C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\Elements\delphi\code\allres.res
Project1.pas(68,1) Error: Can't call the linker, switching to external linking
Project1.pas(68,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Closing script C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\ppas.bat
Error: C:\Documents and Settings\Power User\My Documents\TAD\HiAsm\compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
End build

В режим установки не вмешивался. Устанавливал только-что скачанное с сайта

[size=-2]------ Добавлено в 12:44
Т.е. поставил себя на место человека впервые скачавшего инстоляционные пакеты и установившего HiAsm
карма: 25
Немного терпения! Дежурный экстрасенс скоро свяжется с Вами!