------------ Дoбавленo:
BASS_ChannelSetSync - а почему такого компонента кстати нету ? вот из справки описание:
Sets up a synchronizer on a MOD music, stream or recording channel.
HSYNC BASS_ChannelSetSync(
DWORD handle,
DWORD type,
QWORD param,
void *user
handle The channel handle... a HMUSIC, HSTREAM or HRECORD.
type The type of sync (see the table below). The following flags may also be used.
BASS_SYNC_MIXTIME Call the sync function immediately when the sync is triggered, instead of delaying the call until the sync event is actually heard. This is automatic with some sync types (see table below), and always with decoding and recording channels, as they can not be played/heard.
BASS_SYNC_ONETIME Call the sync only once, and then remove it from the channel.
param The sync parameter. Depends on the sync type... see the table below.
proc The callback function.
user User instance data to pass to the callback function.
Sync types, with param and SYNCPROC data definitions.
mixtime only Sync when downloading of an internet (or "buffered" user file) stream is done.
param : not used. data : not used.
BASS_SYNC_END Sync when a channel reaches the end, including when looping. Note that some MOD musics never reach the end, they may jump to another position first. If the BASS_MUSIC_STOPBACK flag is used with a MOD music (through BASS_MusicLoad or BASS_ChannelFlags), then this sync will also be called when a backward jump effect is played.
param : not used. data : 1 = the sync is triggered by a backward jump in a MOD music, otherwise not used.
mixtime only Sync when a channel is freed. This can be useful when you need to release some resources associated with the channel. Note that you will not be able to use any BASS functions with the channel in the callback, as the channel will no longer exist.
param : not used. data : not used.
mixtime only Sync when metadata is received in a Shoutcast stream. The updated metadata is available from BASS_ChannelGetTags.
param : not used. data : not used.
BASS_SYNC_MUSICFX Sync when the sync effect is used in a MOD music. The sync effect is E8x or Wxx for the XM/MTM/MOD formats, and S2x for the IT/S3M formats (where x = any value).
param : 0 = the position is passed to the callback (data : LOWORD = order, HIWORD = row), 1 = the value of x is passed to the callback (data : x value).
BASS_SYNC_MUSICINST Sync when an instrument (sample for the MOD/S3M/MTM formats) is played in a MOD music (not including retrigs).
param : LOWORD = instrument (1=first), HIWORD = note (0=c0...119=b9, -1=all). data : LOWORD = note, HIWORD = volume (0-64).
BASS_SYNC_MUSICPOS Sync when a MOD music reaches an order.row position.
param : LOWORD = order (0=first, -1=all), HIWORD = row (0=first, -1=all). data : LOWORD = order, HIWORD = row.
mixtime only Sync when a new logical bitstream begins in a chained OGG stream. Updated tags are available from BASS_ChannelGetTags.
param : not used. data : not used.
BASS_SYNC_POS Sync when a channel reaches a position.
param : position in bytes (automatically rounded down to nearest sample). data : not used.
BASS_SYNC_SETPOS Sync when a channel's position is set, including when looping/restarting.
param : not used. data : 0 = playback buffer is not flushed, 1 = playback buffer is flushed.
mixtime only Sync when an attribute slide has ended.
param : not used. data : the attribute that has finished sliding (one of the BASS_ATTRIB_xxx values).
mixtime only Sync when playback of the channel is stalled/resumed.
param : not used. data : 0 = stalled, 1 = resumed.
other sync types may be supported by add-ons, see the documentation.
Return value
If successful, then the new synchronizer's handle is returned, else 0 is returned. Use BASS_ErrorGetCode to get the error code.
Error codes
BASS_ERROR_HANDLE handle is not a valid channel.
BASS_ERROR_ILLTYPE An illegal type was specified.
BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM An illegal param was specified.
Multiple synchronizers may be used per channel, and they can be set before and while playing. Equally, synchronizers can also be removed at any time, using BASS_ChannelRemoveSync. If the BASS_SYNC_ONETIME flag is used, then the sync is automatically removed after its first occurrence.
The BASS_SYNC_MIXTIME flag can be used with BASS_SYNC_END or BASS_SYNC_POS/MUSICPOS syncs to implement custom looping, by using BASS_ChannelSetPosition in the callback. A mixtime sync can also be used to add or remove DSP/FX at specific points, or change a HMUSIC channel's flags or attributes. The BASS_SYNC_MIXTIME flag can also be useful with a BASS_SYNC_SETPOS sync, to reset DSP states after seeking.
With recording channels, BASS_SYNC_POS syncs are triggered just before the RECORDPROC receives the block of data containing the sync position.
OSX notes
The BASS_SYNC_MESSAGE flag is not supported.
Do some processing until a MOD music reaches the 10th order.
BOOL order10=FALSE; // the order 10 flag
// the sync callback
void CALLBACK MySyncProc(HSYNC handle, DWORD channel, DWORD data, void *user)
order10=TRUE; // set the order 10 flag
BASS_ChannelSetSync(music, BASS_SYNC_MUSICPOS|BASS_SYNC_ONETIME, (QWORD)MAKELONG(10,0), &MySyncProc, 0); // set the one-time order 10 sync
while (!order10) {
// order 10 has not arrived, so do some processing
// order 10 has arrived!
Process metadata received from a Shoutcast stream.
char title[100]=""; // the current stream title
// the sync callback
void CALLBACK MyMetaSyncProc(HSYNC handle, DWORD channel, DWORD data, void *user)
char *meta=BASS_ChannelGetTags(channel, BASS_TAG_META); // get metadata
meta=strstr(meta, "StreamTitle='"); // look for title
if (meta) { // found it, copy it...
strcpy(title, meta+13);
strchr(title, ';')[-1]=0;
BASS_ChannelSetSync(stream, BASS_SYNC_META, 0, &MyMetaSyncProc, 0); // set the meta sync