График выглядкт, примерно, как буква Т, сначало идет наклонная линия и затем сверху прямая линия, так что одной точке по оси Х соответствуют две точки по Y. Или это у меня что-то с HiAsm?
------------ Дoбавленo в 16.08:
Забыл добавить- подправил для себя код Plotter, что бы график рисовался с небольшим отступом на 1 от краев области графика. Место исправления пометил так //Исправление! #pas unit hiPlotter;
{$I share.inc}
uses Windows,Share,Win,Kol;
type TRPoint = record x,y:real; end; THIPlotter = class; TSeries = class Parent:THIPlotter; Values:array of TRPoint; Count:integer; Size:integer; Color:TColor; MaxValues:integer;
// onChangeSeries:TEvents;
constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Add(valY, valX:real); virtual; procedure Clear; procedure Draw(Canvas:PCanvas; startX,startY,fX,fY:real; VSpace, HSpace:integer); virtual; abstract; function graphMinY:real; virtual; function graphMaxY:real; virtual; function graphMinX:real; virtual; function graphMaxX:real; virtual; end; THIPlotter = class(THIWin) private Bmp:PBitmap; FSeries:PList; FRgn:HRGN;
FGrid:integer; FStartPos,FBPos:TPoint; FBeginMove:byte;
procedure _OnClick( Sender: PObj ); procedure _OnSize( Sender: PObj ); procedure _OnPaint( Sender: PControl; DC: HDC ); procedure DrawBmp; function graphMinY:real; function graphMaxY:real; function graphMinX:real; function graphMaxX:real; procedure SetGrid(Value:integer); function GetSeries(index:integer):TSeries; function GetSeriesCount:integer; protected procedure _onMouseDown(Sender: PControl; var Mouse: TMouseEventData); override; procedure _onMouseMove(Sender: PControl; var Mouse: TMouseEventData); override; procedure _onMouseUp(Sender: PControl; var Mouse: TMouseEventData); override; procedure _onMouseWheel(Sender: PControl; var Mouse: TMouseEventData); override; public _prop_GridColor:TColor; _prop_BorderColor:TColor; _prop_AxisColor:TColor; _prop_Step:real; _prop_MinH:real; _prop_MaxH:real; _prop_MinW:real; _prop_MaxW:real; _prop_LeftMargin:integer; _prop_RightMargin:integer; _prop_TopMargin:integer; _prop_BottomMargin:integer; _prop_FileName:string; _prop_MouseControl:boolean; _data_FileName:THI_Event; onMouseDown:TEvents; onMouseUp:TEvents; onMouseMove:TEvents;
constructor Create(Parent:PControl); procedure Init; override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure _work_doClear(var _Data:TData; Index:word); procedure _work_doSaveToFile(var _Data:TData; Index:word); procedure _var_MinX(var _Data:TData; Index:word); procedure _var_MaxX(var _Data:TData; Index:word); procedure _var_MinY(var _Data:TData; Index:word); procedure _var_MaxY(var _Data:TData; Index:word); function getInterfacePlotter:THIPlotter; procedure AddSeries(s:TSeries); procedure RemoveSeries(s:TSeries); procedure ReDraw; function AbsToGraphY(v:real):real; function AbsToGraphX(v:real):real; property _prop_Grid:integer write SetGrid; property Series[index:integer]:TSeries read GetSeries; property SeriesCount:integer read GetSeriesCount; end;
constructor TSeries.Create; begin inherited; // onChangeSeries := TEvents.create; end;
destructor TSeries.Destroy; begin // onChangeSeries.Destroy; inherited; end;
procedure TSeries.Add; begin if(MaxValues > 0)and(Count = MaxValues)then begin Move(Values[1],Values[0],sizeof(TRPoint)*(Count-1)); end else begin inc(Count); SetLength(Values,Count); end;
with Values[Count-1] do begin Y := valY; X := valX; end; // onChangeSeries.Event(self); end;
procedure TSeries.Clear; begin Count := 0; SetLength(Values,Count); // onChangeSeries.Event(self); end;
function TSeries.graphMinY:real; var i:integer; begin if Count = 0 then Result := 0 else begin Result := Values[0].Y; for i := 1 to Count-1 do if Values[i].Y < Result then Result := Values[i].y; end; end;
function TSeries.graphMaxY:real; var i:integer; begin if Count = 0 then Result := 0 else begin Result := Values[0].Y; for i := 1 to Count-1 do if Values[i].Y > Result then Result := Values[i].y; end; end;
function TSeries.graphMinX:real; var i:integer; begin if Count = 0 then Result := 0 else begin Result := Values[0].X; for i := 1 to Count-1 do if Values[i].X < Result then Result := Values[i].x; end; end;
function TSeries.graphMaxX:real; var i:integer; begin if Count = 0 then Result := 0 else begin Result := Values[0].X; for i := 1 to Count-1 do if Values[i].X > Result then Result := Values[i].x; end; end;
//---------------------------- PLOTTER -----------------------------------------
constructor THIPlotter.Create; begin inherited Create(Parent); Control := NewPaintbox(Parent); Bmp := NewBitmap(0,0); FSeries := NewList; _prop_MouseCapture := true; onMouseDown := TEvents.Create; onMouseUp := TEvents.Create; onMouseMove := TEvents.Create; end;
destructor THIPlotter.Destroy; var i:integer; begin onMouseDown.Destroy; onMouseUp.Destroy; onMouseMove.Destroy; DeleteObject(FRgn); Bmp.free; for i := 0 to SeriesCount - 1 do Series[i].Parent := nil; FSeries.Free; inherited; end;
procedure THIPlotter.Init; begin inherited; with Control{$ifndef F_P}^{$endif} do begin OnClick := _OnClick; OnPaint := _OnPaint; OnResize := _OnSize; end;
_OnSize(Control); end;
function THIPlotter.getInterfacePlotter:THIPlotter; begin Result := self; end;
procedure THIPlotter._OnSize; begin Bmp.Width := max(control.Width,1); Bmp.Height := max(Control.Height,1); DeleteObject(FRgn); FRgn := CreateRectRgn(0,0,Bmp.Width,Bmp.Height); DrawBmp; // Control.Invalidate; end;
function THIPlotter.GetSeries(index:integer):TSeries; begin Result := TSeries(FSeries.Items[index]); end;
function THIPlotter.GetSeriesCount:integer; begin Result := FSeries.Count; end;
procedure THIPlotter._onMouseDown; begin inherited; FStartPos.x := Mouse.x; FStartPos.y := Mouse.y; FBPos := FStartPos; SetFocus(Control.handle); onMouseDown.event(@Mouse); if not _prop_MouseControl then exit; if Mouse.Button = mbMiddle then FBeginMove := 1 else if(Mouse.Button = mbLeft)and(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) then FBeginMove := 2 else FBeginMove := 0; if(_prop_MaxH = 0)and(_prop_MinH = 0)then begin _prop_MaxH := graphMaxY; _prop_MinH := graphMinY; end; if(_prop_MaxW = 0)and(_prop_MinW = 0)then begin _prop_MaxW := graphMaxX; _prop_MinW := graphMinX; end; end;
procedure THIPlotter._onMouseUp; var dy,h:real; begin inherited; case FBeginMove of 2: begin Control.Canvas.Pen.PenMode := pmXor; Control.Canvas.Rectangle(FBPos.x, FBPos.y, FStartPos.x, FStartPos.y); dy := (_prop_MaxH - _prop_MinH)/(Control.Height - _prop_BottomMargin - _prop_TopMargin); h := _prop_MaxH - _prop_MinH; if FBPos.y < FStartPos.y then begin _prop_MaxH := _prop_MinH + h - (FBPos.y - _prop_TopMargin)*dy; _prop_MinH := _prop_MinH + h - (FStartPos.y - _prop_TopMargin)*dy; end else begin _prop_MaxH := 0; _prop_MinH := 0; _prop_MaxH := graphMaxY; _prop_MinH := graphMinY; end; dy := (_prop_MaxW - _prop_MinW)/(Control.Width - _prop_LeftMargin - _prop_RightMargin); if FBPos.x < FStartPos.x then begin _prop_MaxW := _prop_MinW + (FStartPos.x - _prop_LeftMargin)*dy; _prop_MinW := _prop_MinW + (FBPos.x - _prop_LeftMargin)*dy; end else begin _prop_MaxW := 0; _prop_MinW := 0; _prop_MaxW := graphMaxX; _prop_MinW := graphMinX; end; ReDraw; end; end; FBeginMove := 0; onMouseUp.event(@Mouse); end;
procedure THIPlotter._onMouseMove; var dy:real; begin inherited; case FBeginMove of 1: begin dy := (_prop_MaxH - _prop_MinH)/(Control.Height - _prop_BottomMargin - _prop_TopMargin); _prop_MaxH := _prop_MaxH + (Mouse.y - FStartPos.y)*dy; _prop_MinH := _prop_MinH + (Mouse.y - FStartPos.y)*dy; dy := (_prop_MaxW - _prop_MinW)/(Control.Width - _prop_LeftMargin - _prop_RightMargin); _prop_MaxW := _prop_MaxW - (Mouse.x - FStartPos.x)*dy; _prop_MinW := _prop_MinW - (Mouse.x - FStartPos.x)*dy; ReDraw; end; 2: begin Control.Canvas.Pen.PenMode := pmXor; Control.Canvas.Rectangle(FBPos.x, FBPos.y, FStartPos.x, FStartPos.y); Control.Canvas.Rectangle(FBPos.x, FBPos.y, Mouse.x, Mouse.y); end; end; FStartPos.x := Mouse.x; FStartPos.y := Mouse.y; onMouseMove.event(@Mouse); end;
procedure THIPlotter._onMouseWheel; var h:real; i:real; begin inherited; if not _prop_MouseControl then exit; i := (integer(Mouse.Shift) / $1000)*0.0001;
h := _prop_MaxH - (_prop_MaxH - _prop_MinH) * (FStartPos.y - _prop_TopMargin)/(Control.Height - _prop_TopMargin - _prop_BottomMargin); _prop_MaxH := _prop_MaxH - i*(_prop_MaxH - h); _prop_MinH := _prop_MinH - i*(_prop_MinH - h);
h := _prop_MinW + (_prop_MaxW - _prop_MinW) * (FStartPos.x - _prop_LeftMargin)/(Control.Width - _prop_LeftMargin - _prop_RightMargin); _prop_MaxW := _prop_MaxW - i*(_prop_MaxW - h); _prop_MinW := _prop_MinW - i*(_prop_MinW - h);
ReDraw; end;
procedure THIPlotter.AddSeries; begin s.Parent := self; FSeries.Add(s); end;
procedure THIPlotter.RemoveSeries(s:TSeries); begin FSeries.Delete(FSeries.IndexOf(s)); s.Destroy; end;
procedure THIPlotter.ReDraw; begin // DrawBmp; Control.Invalidate; end;
procedure THIPlotter._work_doSaveToFile; begin DrawBmp; Bmp.SaveToFile(ReadString(_Data, _data_FileName, _prop_FileName)); end;
procedure THIPlotter._work_doClear; var i:integer; begin for i := 0 to SeriesCount - 1 do Series[i].Clear; Control.Invalidate; end;
procedure THIPlotter._OnClick; begin
procedure THIPlotter._OnPaint; begin DrawBmp; Bmp.Draw(DC,0,0); end;
procedure THIPlotter.SetGrid; begin FGrid := max(1,Value); end;
function THIPlotter.graphMinY:real; var i:integer; r:real; begin if SeriesCount = 0 then Result := 0 else if _prop_MinH <> 0 Then Result := _prop_MinH Else begin Result := $FFFFFF; for i := 0 to SeriesCount-1 do if Series[i].Count > 0 then begin r := Series[i].graphMinY; if r < Result then //Исправление! Result := r - 1; end; if Result = $FFFFFF then Result := 0; end; end;
function THIPlotter.graphMaxY:real; var i:integer; r:real; begin if SeriesCount = 0 then Result := 0 else if _prop_MaxH <> 0 Then Result := _prop_MaxH Else begin Result := -$FFFFFF; for i := 0 to SeriesCount-1 do if Series[i].Count > 0 then begin r := Series[i].graphMaxY; if r > Result then //Исправление! Result := r + 1; end; if Result = -$FFFFFF then Result := 0; end; end;
function THIPlotter.graphMinX:real; var i:integer; r:real; begin if SeriesCount = 0 then Result := 0 else if _prop_MinW <> 0 Then Result := _prop_MinW Else begin Result := $FFFFFF; for i := 0 to SeriesCount-1 do if Series[i].Count > 0 then begin r := Series[i].graphMinX; if r < Result then Result := r; end; if Result = $FFFFFF then Result := 0; end; end;
function THIPlotter.graphMaxX:real; var i:integer; r:real; begin if SeriesCount = 0 then Result := 0 else if _prop_MaxW <> 0 Then Result := _prop_MaxW Else begin Result := -$FFFFFF; for i := 0 to SeriesCount-1 do if Series[i].Count > 0 then begin r := Series[i].graphMaxX; if r > Result then Result := r; end; if Result = -$FFFFFF then Result := 0; end; end;
function Max(r1,r2:real):real; begin if r1 > r2 then Result := r1 else Result := r2; end;
procedure THIPlotter.DrawBmp; var t:integer; x,dx:real; _Grid,ix:real; FY,FX:real; fstartY,fstartX:real; VSpace,HSpace:integer; r:TRect; s:string; rg:HRGN; begin {$ifdef F_P} with Bmp,Canvas do {$else} with Bmp^,Canvas^ do {$endif} begin Font.FontHeight := 8; Brush.Color := Control.Color; Brush.BrushStyle := bsSolid; r.left := 0; r.top := 0; r.right := Width; r.bottom := Height; FillRect(r); VSpace := Width - _prop_LeftMargin - _prop_RightMargin; HSpace := Height - _prop_TopMargin - _prop_BottomMargin;
Pen.Color := _prop_GridColor; Font.Color := _prop_AxisColor; Pen.PenStyle := psDot;
fstartY := graphMinY; FY := graphMaxY - fstartY; if FY = 0 then FY := 1; fstartX := graphMinX; FX := graphMaxX - fstartX; if FX = 0 then FX := 1; //---------------------------- X Axis ------------------------------------ dx := FX/FGrid; _Grid := max(1,VSpace/FGrid); x := fstartX; if _Grid > 10 then TextOut(_prop_LeftMargin-2,Height - _prop_BottomMargin + 1,Double2Str(Round(x*100)/100)); ix := _prop_LeftMargin + _Grid;; while ix < Width - _prop_RightMargin + 1 do begin MoveTo(Round(ix),_prop_TopMargin); LineTo(Round(ix),Height - _prop_BottomMargin); x := x + dx; if _Grid > 10 then begin s := Double2Str(Round(x*100)/100); r.left := Round(ix); r.top := Height - _prop_BottomMargin + 1; r.bottom := r.top + 20; r.right := 0; DrawText(s,r,DT_CALCRECT); t := (r.right - r.left) shr 1; dec(r.left, t); dec(r.right, t); DrawText(s,r,0); end; ix := ix + _Grid; end;
//---------------------------- Y Axis ------------------------------------ dx := FY/FGrid; _Grid := max(1,HSpace/FGrid); x := fstartY; ix := Height - _prop_BottomMargin; while ix > _prop_TopMargin-1 do begin if x <> fstartY then begin MoveTo(_prop_LeftMargin,Round(ix)); LineTo(Width - _prop_RightMargin,Round(ix)); end; if _Grid > 12 then begin s := Double2Str(Round(x*100)/100); r.left := 2; r.top := Round(ix); r.bottom := 0; r.right := 0; DrawText(s,r,DT_CALCRECT); t := r.right - r.left; r.right := _prop_LeftMargin - 4; r.left := r.right - t; t := (r.bottom - r.top) shr 1; dec(r.top, t); dec(r.bottom, t); DrawText(s,r,0); end; x := x + dx; ix := ix - _Grid; end;
//---------------------------- Series ------------------------------------ rg := CreateRectRgn(_prop_LeftMargin,_prop_TopMargin,_prop_LeftMargin + VSpace,_prop_TopMargin + HSpace); SelectObject(Handle, rg); for t := 0 to SeriesCount-1 do Series[t].Draw(Canvas, fstartX, fstartY, FX, FY, VSpace, HSpace); SelectObject(Handle, FRgn); DeleteObject(rg); Pen.Color := _prop_BorderColor; Pen.PenStyle := psSolid; Pen.PenWidth := 1; Brush.BrushStyle := bsClear; Rectangle(_prop_LeftMargin,_prop_TopMargin,Width - _prop_RightMargin,Height - _prop_BottomMargin); end; end;
function THIPlotter.AbsToGraphY(v:real):real; var FY,fstartY:real; HSpace:integer; begin fstartY := graphMinY; FY := graphMaxY - fstartY; HSpace := Bmp.Height - _prop_TopMargin - _prop_BottomMargin; Result := (HSpace + _prop_TopMargin - v)*FY/HSpace + fstartY; end;
function THIPlotter.AbsToGraphX(v:real):real; var FX,fstartX:real; VSpace:integer; begin fstartX := graphMinX; FX := graphMaxX - fstartX; VSpace := Bmp.Width - _prop_LeftMargin - _prop_RightMargin; Result := FX - ((VSpace + _prop_LeftMargin - v)*FX/VSpace - fstartX); end;
procedure THIPlotter._var_MinY; begin dtReal(_Data,graphMinY); end;
procedure THIPlotter._var_MaxY; begin dtReal(_Data,graphMaxY); end;
procedure THIPlotter._var_MinX; begin dtReal(_Data,graphMinX); end;
procedure THIPlotter._var_MaxX; begin dtReal(_Data,graphMaxX); end;