"Dilma" писал(а):
Что не помогает?Поставил инсталяционный пакет Compiler_fpc.exe,
он создал папку \Compiler\fpc
инсталятор положил файл GoRC.exe в папку \Compiler, а не \Compiler\fpc
я сам уже скопировал в \Compiler\fpc файлы Koldef.inc, kol.dcu, и др. не перезаписывая тех которые уже там лежали.
Попробовал собрать пример демо - не собрался:
Compiling C:\Uti\HiAsm34b129\Elements\code\hiPing.pas
hiPing.pas(115,31) Error: Identifier not found "Format"
hiPing.pas(137) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Error: C:\Uti\HiAsm34b129\Compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
hiPing.pas(115,31) Error: Identifier not found "Format"
hiPing.pas(137) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Error: C:\Uti\HiAsm34b129\Compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
и ещё попытался в своём проекте использовать элемент hiMSSQL -
тоже компайлер обрыгался:
Compiling C:\Uti\HiAsm34b129\Elements\code\hiMSSQL.pas
Compiling C:\Uti\HiAsm34b129\Elements\code\KOLEdb.pas
KOLEdb.pas(482,30) Error: The mix of different kind of objects (class, object, interface, etc) isn't allowed
KOLEdb.pas(519,27) Error: The mix of different kind of objects (class, object, interface, etc) isn't allowed
KOLEdb.pas(548,25) Error: The mix of different kind of objects (class, object, interface, etc) isn't allowed
KOLEdb.pas(664,1) Fatal: There were 3 errors compiling module, stopping
Error: C:\Uti\HiAsm34b129\Compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
Compiling C:\Uti\HiAsm34b129\Elements\code\KOLEdb.pas
KOLEdb.pas(482,30) Error: The mix of different kind of objects (class, object, interface, etc) isn't allowed
KOLEdb.pas(519,27) Error: The mix of different kind of objects (class, object, interface, etc) isn't allowed
KOLEdb.pas(548,25) Error: The mix of different kind of objects (class, object, interface, etc) isn't allowed
KOLEdb.pas(664,1) Fatal: There were 3 errors compiling module, stopping
Error: C:\Uti\HiAsm34b129\Compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
Что не так?
PS. Но некоторые примеры компилятся например Info, RichEdit - другие не проверял.