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------------ Дoбавленo в 08.25:
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------------ Дoбавленo в 08.25:
Unit Bass_VST;
BASS_VST_ERROR_NOINPUTS = 3000;// the given effect has no inputs and is probably a VST instrument and no effect
BASS_VST_ERROR_NOOUTPUTS = 3001; // the given effect has no outputs
BASS_VST_ERROR_NOREALTIME = 3002; // the given effect does not support realtime processing
name : array [0..15] of Char; // examples: Time, Gain, RoomType
FUnit : array [0..15] of Char; // examples: sec, dB, type
Display : array [0..15] of Char; // the current value in a readable format, examples: 0.5, -3, PLATE
defaultValue : single; // the default value
rsvd : array [0..255] of Char;
BASS_VST_INFO = record
ChannelHandle : DWORD; // the channelHandle as given to BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP()
uniqueID :DWORD; // a unique ID for the effect (the IDs are registered at Steinberg)
effectName : array [0..79] of Char; // the effect name
effectVersion : DWORD; // the effect version
effectVstVersion : DWORD; // the VST version, the effect was written for
hostVstVersion : DWORD; // the VST version supported by BASS_VST, currently 2.4
productName : array [0..79] of Char; // the product name, may be empty
vendorName: array [0..79] of Char; // the vendor name, may be empty
vendorVersion : DWORD; // vendor-specific version number
chansIn : DWORD; // max. number of possible input channels
chansOut : DWORD; // max. number of possible output channels
initialDelay : DWORD; // for algorithms which need input in the first place, in milliseconds
hasEditor : DWORD; // can the BASS_VST_EmbedEditor() function be called?
editorWidth : DWORD; // initial/current width of the editor, also note BASS_VST_EDITOR_RESIZED
editorHeight : DWORD; // initial/current height of the editor, also note BASS_VST_EDITOR_RESIZED
aeffect : Pointer; // the underlying AEffect object (see the VST SDK)
rsvd: array [0..255] of Char;
VSTPROC = procedure (vstHandle : DWORD;Action : DWORD;Param1,Param2,User : DWORD);stdcall;
const BASS_VSTDLL = 'bass_vst.dll';
function BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP (Channel : DWORD;const DLLFile : PChar;flags: DWORD; priority:Integer): DWORD;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_ChannelRemoveDSP(Channel : DWORD;vstHandle : DWORD): Bool;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_EmbedEditor(Channel : DWORD;ParentWindow : hwnd): Bool;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_GetInfo(VSTHandle : DWORD;pInfo: Pointer):Bool;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_GetParam(vstHandle : DWORD;paramIndex : integer): single;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_SetParam(vstHandle : DWORD;paramIndex : integer;value : single): Bool;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_GetParamCount(vstHandle : DWORD) : integer;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_GetParamInfo(vstHandle : DWORD;paramIndex : Integer;var Info : BASS_VST_PARAM_INFO): boolean;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_Resume(vstHandle : DWORD):Bool;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_SetCallback(vstHandle : DWORD; PROC : Pointer; user : DWORD):Bool;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_SetLanguage(const Lang : PChar):Bool;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_SetBypass(vstHandle : DWORD; state:boolean):bool;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_GetBypass(vstHandle : DWORD):dword;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_ChannelCreate(freq : DWORD; Chans : DWORD; const DLLFile : PChar; flags: DWORD): DWORD;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_ChannelFree(vstHandle : DWORD): BOOL;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;
function BASS_VST_ProcessEvent(vstHandle : DWORD; midiCh : DWORD; event : DWORD; param : DWORD): BOOL;stdcall;external BASS_VSTDLL;