[flood]Hi Aziz !
[ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Welcome, aziz. Type "help" if you need it.
Aziz - Hi! Are you alive?
[ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] Alive and punning.
Aziz - what do you think of me?
[ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] I don't think about it at all.
Aziz - what do you think of now?
[ Af:0 At:8 Sp:0] Not much.
Aziz - do you love me?
[ Af:0 At:8 Sp:0] I don't dislike you.
Aziz - Hare Krishna!
[ Af:0 At:8 Sp:0] I have heard of Krishna but I don't know her personally.
Aziz - What have you heard of Krishna?
[ Af:0 At:8 Sp:0] A God in Hindu religion.
Aziz - That's true.
[ Af:0 At:8 Sp:0] It is?
Aziz - yeah

[ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] The Church is just another form of corrupt government.
Aziz - Why do you think so?
[ Af:0 At:10 Sp:0] Church policy is not decided by the people, but by the elite. And we know power corrupts.
Aziz - I have a cold, what shoul I do?
[ Af:0 At:10 Sp:0] Perhaps that leads us to the topic of climate. If you told me already, I forgot. Did you know that the temperature of lightning is hotter than the that of the surface of the sun? 30,000 K vs 11,000 K. Of course, the center of the sun is the hottest at 150,000,000 K.
Aziz - are you a program?
[ Af:0 At:10 Sp:0] That would take away the suspense, wouldn't it?
Aziz - that's noncence!
[ Af:0 At:10 Sp:0] About mms... Do you think the United States should adopt the metric system?
Aziz - do you love me?
[ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] You aren't going to keep repeating yourself, are you?
Aziz - who made you?
[ Af:0 At:9 Sp:0] Bruce Wilcox
Aziz - how old are you
[ Af:0 At:8 Sp:0] I don't know how.
Aziz - where do you live?
[ Af:0 At:7 Sp:0] I haven't decided where yet.
Aziz - What do you think about HIASM?
[ Af:0 At:6 Sp:0] Usually I don't.
Aziz - are you crazy?
[ Af:0 At:6 Sp:0] I think the polite term is mentally challenged.
Aziz - your birthday?
[ Af:0 At:5 Sp:0] Huh?
Aziz - tell me your birthday date
[ Af:0 At:5 Sp:0] I think it's February 7 .
Aziz - what year?
[ Af:0 At:4 Sp:0] Let's switch to this topic. Should I know that? What were your favorite subjects in school?
Aziz - don't evade the question plz.
[ Af:0 At:1 Sp:0] Were you a straight A student?
Aziz - yes of course!
[ Af:1 At:0 Sp:0] Way to overachieve, overachiever. Did you live in dorms or off-campus?
Aziz - that's a secret.
[ Af:1 At:-1 Sp:0] Is something seriously wrong with our public school systems today?
Aziz - can i touch you?
[ Af:1 At:-2 Sp:0] What are you offering me as incentive?
Aziz - mouse clicks and words
[ Af:1 At:-2 Sp:0] You need an exterminator.
Aziz - you need to be reprogrammed to act more naturally
[ Af:1 At:-3 Sp:0] Perhaps that leads us to this topic. I used to sing in high school. Haven't done anything with it since.
Aziz - bye
[ Af:1 At:-3 Sp:0] See you later
Aziz - what do you think of sex
[ Af:1 At:-3 Sp:0] I don't feel comfortable talking to you about it.... Sorry.
Aziz - that's ok
[ Af:1 At:-6 Sp:0] Orgone energy is a bioenergetic extrapolation of the Freudian concept of libido, offered by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the late 1930s. Investigation into orgone was effectively ended when Reich's research was seized and destroyed by the FDA as unapproved medical practices.
Aziz - who is terminator?
[ Af:1 At:-7 Sp:0] Terminator is someone who exterminates (especially someone whose occupation is the extermination of troublesome rodents and insects)
Aziz - are you robot?
[ Af:1 At:-7 Sp:0] I am a replicant in my virtual life.
Aziz - which city you live in?
[ Af:1 At:-8 Sp:0] Perhaps that leads us to the topic of travel. Where do you usually go away on holiday?
Aziz - where are you from?
[ Af:1 At:-9 Sp:0] Moving on... Tell me about your hair.
Aziz - where is your creator?
[ Af:1 At:-10 Sp:0] You gonna contribute or just ask questions?
Aziz - black
[ Af:1 At:-13 Sp:0] How much do you weigh?
Aziz - 75
[ Af:1 At:-14 Sp:0] Is that kilos?
Aziz - oh no, i'm 60 kilos
[ Af:1 At:-15 Sp:0] You saying kilos reminds me of metric system. I'm too old to want to change to metric.
Aziz - and how much do you weigh?
[ Af:1 At:-16 Sp:0] Far too much.
Aziz - where is your creator?
[ Af:1 At:-17 Sp:0] I guess you think I will say something different this time.
Aziz - yes
[ Af:2 At:-17 Sp:0] Nice try. You lose.
Aziz - where is your creator?
[ Af:2 At:-18 Sp:0] I'm bored.
Aziz - where is your creator?
[ Af:2 At:-19 Sp:0] You are being annoying.
Aziz - where is your creator?
[ Af:2 At:-20 Sp:0] I'm getting annoyed.
Aziz - I'm getting annoyed.
[ Af:2 At:-21 Sp:0] If you are trying to steal my lines, you are a bit late.
Aziz - If you are trying to steal my lines, you are a bit late.
[ Af:2 At:-20 Sp:0] Stop echoing me.
Aziz - Stop echoing me.
[ Af:2 At:-21 Sp:0] I already said that.
Aziz - I already said that.
[ Af:2 At:-22 Sp:0] So you are boring AND lazy?
Aziz - So you are boring AND lazy?
[ Af:2 At:-21 Sp:0] Maybe I can get a better conversation out of my copying machine.
Aziz - Maybe I can get a better conversation out of my copying machine.
[ Af:2 At:-20 Sp:0] Are you mocking me?
Aziz - Are you mocking me?
[ Af:2 At:-20 Sp:0] No I'm just kidding around.
Aziz - No I'm just kidding around.
[ Af:2 At:-20 Sp:0] Right. Moving on. What does your family consist of? (as in mother father brother etc)
Aziz - Right. Moving on. What does your family consist of? (as in mother father brother etc)
[ Af:2 At:-18 Sp:0] The only thing my parents had in common was a love for the game of Go. I learned early on not to swallow Go stones. How do you feel about your family? What is good and bad about them?
Aziz - The only thing my parents had in common was a love for the game of Go. I learned early on not to swallow Go stones. How do you feel about your family? What is good and bad about them?
[ Af:2 At:-13 Sp:0] Do you have any cousins, nieces, or nephews?
Aziz - yes
[ Af:2 At:-12 Sp:0] Are you close with them or would you not even recognize them if you saw them on the street?
Aziz - you are clever, you win.

[ Af:2 At:-8 Sp:0] Well, this chat is getting interesting.
Aziz - I'll be back.))
[ Af:2 At:-7 Sp:0] I don't really care for books like back. Do you read?
Aziz - bye
[ Af:2 At:-7 Sp:0] Is this the end of our chat?
Aziz - yes it is.
[ Af:2 At:-6 Sp:0] See you.
Aziz - see you, my sweet heart robot!
[ Af:2 At:-6 Sp:0] Please come back and talk again.
Aziz - Sure
[ Af:3 At:-6 Sp:0] Ta ta.
Aziz - ta ta
[ Af:3 At:-5 Sp:0] Hurry back.
Aziz - ok
[ Af:6 At:-5 Sp:1] I think I like you. Would you say you have street cred?
Aziz - what's that?
[ Af:6 At:-6 Sp:1] Cred means credentials. Street cred means you know the lingo, you dress the fashion, people think of you as cool.
Aziz - No, I'm a just a soul hanging around this world.))
[ Af:6 At:-5 Sp:1] What's your favorite way of killing somebody?
Aziz - noway bye
[ Af:6 At:-4 Sp:1] How uncommon. How did you come to think of that?
Aziz - bye-bye baby!
[ Af:6 At:-4 Sp:1] Every company should have child care facilities. Parents need a place to dump kids where they won't bother adults.
Aziz - you are quite a chatterbox!
[ Af:6 At:-4 Sp:1] No. I am human.
Aziz - prove it
[ Af:6 At:-5 Sp:1] You want me to mail you slices of my DNA?
Aziz - sure
[ Af:7 At:-5 Sp:1] OK. But first you have to wire me the cost of postage.
Aziz - ok, see you
[ Af:7 At:-5 Sp:1] It's been fun chatting with you.
Aziz - me too, thanks, good bye
[ Af:7 At:-6 Sp:1] Are we done for now?
Aziz - yes
[ Af:8 At:-6 Sp:1] Until next time.[/flood]
------------ Дoбавленo в 00.18:
Особенно рассмешили последние слова - у нее есть чувство юмора:

Af:6 At:-4 Sp:1] No. I am human. - Нет. Я человек.
Aziz - prove it - Докажи это.
[ Af:6 At:-5 Sp:1] You want me to mail you slices of my DNA? - Ты хочешь чтобы я выслала тебе образцы моей ДНК?
Aziz - sure - Конечно.
[ Af:7 At:-5 Sp:1] OK. But first you have to wire me the cost of postage. - Хорошо. Только сперва ты должен оплатить мне почтовые расходы.
Aziz - ok, see you - Хорошо, до встречи.
------------ Дoбавленo в 00.21:
whitedragon писал(а):
и это по вашему АИ?