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#1: 2015-10-03 18:51:53 ЛС | профиль | цитата
После последнего обновления с SVN вот такая вот конструкция:


Стала вызывать ошибку:

[javac] C:HiAsm_AltBuildElementsandroidcode esultsrchiasmhiasmprojectHiasmMain.java:33: error: constructor Counter in class Counter cannot be applied to given types;
[javac] cnt3 = new Counter(0.0, Counter.MODE_INC, mic3);
[javac] ^
[javac] required: int,int,ICounter
[javac] found: double,int,ICounter
[javac] reason: actual argument double cannot be converted to int by method invocation conversion
[javac] C:HiAsm_AltBuildElementsandroidcode esultsrchiasmhiasmprojectHiasmMain.java:34: error: method next in class Counter cannot be applied to given types;
[javac] cnt3.next(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
[javac] ^
[javac] required: int,int,int
[javac] found: double,double,double
[javac] reason: actual argument double cannot be converted to int by method invocation conversion
карма: 0

файлы: 1code_36333.txt [268B] [340]