--- Добавлено в 2017-06-07 13:56:44
Что пишет красным в окне отладки?

Подготовка к сборке проекта...
Генерация кода целевого языка
Компоновка проекта...
Command line: fpc.exe '"C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas"' -Sd -Mdelphi '"-FEC:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\"' '"-FUC:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\units"' -FDtools\ -CX -dF_P
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.9.6 [2004/12/31] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2004 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\hiMainForm_2BBC4C0.pas
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\Debug.pas
Compiling resource C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\allres.res
Project1.pas(19,1) Error: Can't call the linker, switching to external linking
Project1.pas(19,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Closing script C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\ppas.bat
Error: C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
Сборка завершена.
Генерация кода целевого языка
Компоновка проекта...
Command line: fpc.exe '"C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas"' -Sd -Mdelphi '"-FEC:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\"' '"-FUC:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\units"' -FDtools\ -CX -dF_P
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.9.6 [2004/12/31] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2004 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.pas
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\hiMainForm_2BBC4C0.pas
Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\Debug.pas
Compiling resource C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\allres.res
Project1.pas(19,1) Error: Can't call the linker, switching to external linking
Project1.pas(19,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Closing script C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\ppas.bat
Error: C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\compiler\fpc\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specifiy a source file to be compiled)
Сборка завершена.
--- Добавлено в 2017-06-07 13:58:45
На Delphi компиляция происходит но не работает!

Command line: dcc32.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\Elements\delphi\code\Project1.dpr" "-U C:\Documents and Settings\zhorik5\Application Data\HiAsm_AltBuild\." -Q
Borland Delphi Version 12.0 Copyright (c) 1983,98 Inprise Corporation
ActiveKOL.pas(565) Warning: Return value of function 'TEnumPropDesc.StringToValue' might be undefined
77142 lines, 0.11 seconds, 70012 bytes code, 2473 bytes data.
Сборка завершена.
Borland Delphi Version 12.0 Copyright (c) 1983,98 Inprise Corporation
ActiveKOL.pas(565) Warning: Return value of function 'TEnumPropDesc.StringToValue' might be undefined
77142 lines, 0.11 seconds, 70012 bytes code, 2473 bytes data.
Сборка завершена.
--- Добавлено в 2017-06-07 14:02:14
Если ничего, то sqlite3.dll старая.
скачал отсюда http://www.sqlite.org/2017/sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3190200.zip и обновил. в папке windows.
--- Добавлено в 2017-06-07 14:03:57
все равно не работает! нажимаешь кнопку отчет и ничего не происходит.