...прямой выход (по крестику на форме) или выход через меню?
nesco, ошибка появляется и при выходе через меню, и по крестику на форме . Ошибка может быть вызвана как расширенным меню, так и DatePicker, которые я использую.
Вот пример моего меню:
А вот что выдается при запуске моей программки:
Build start...
Generated code
Create project...
Command line: dcc32.exe "...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\_NumbersD.dpr" "-U...\HiAsm\My\." -Q "-E...\HiAsm\My\
Borland Delphi Version 12.0 Copyright (c) 1983,98 Inprise Corporation
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\ListEdit.pas(237) Hint: Value assigned to 'o' never used
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\ListEdit.pas(230) Hint: Value assigned to 'o' never used
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\ListEdit.pas(220) Hint: Variable 'c' is declared but never used in 'TListEdit.LVChange'
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiStringTable.pas(253) Warning: Return value of function 'THIStringTable._OnCompareLVItems' might be undefined
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiStringTable.pas(12) Hint: Private symbol '_OnClick' declared but never used
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\KOLmdvPanel.pas(188) Hint: Variable 'br' is declared but never used in 'TmdvPanel.Paint'
KOLComObj.pas(1614) Hint: Value assigned to 'Status' never used
KOLComObj.pas(2337) Hint: Value assigned to 'SaveInitProc' never used
ActiveKOL.pas(564) Warning: Return value of function 'TEnumPropDesc.StringToValue' might be undefined
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiODialog.pas(38) Hint: Variable 's' is declared but never used in 'THIODialog._work_doExecute0'
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiGrapher.pas(184) Hint: Variable 'j' is declared but never used in 'THIGrapher.DrawBmp'
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiGrapher.pas(16) Hint: Private symbol 'HB' declared but never used
...\HiAsm\Elements\Delphi\code\hiImgBtn.pas(28) Warning: Redeclaration of '_prop_Flat' hides a member in the base class
108432 lines, 2.14 seconds, 1239380 bytes code, 5409 bytes data.
End build