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Ответов: 2999
Рейтинг: 396
#1: 2007-06-22 14:21:47 ЛС | профиль | цитата
Отладка писал(а):

Build start...
Generated code


[size=-2]------ Добавлено в 14:19
hiDie.hws - это погрячился - он у меня поправлен поэтому черепаха нашла изменения - Sorry, а вот :
revision 354 писал(а):

пофиксены баги с реализацией user функции
CodeGen.dpr, Errors.pas - modified

[size=-2]------ Добавлено в 14:21
Может не правильно отрабатывает make.bat:
dcc32 писал(а):

"make codegen dll for WEB packed"
Borland Delphi Version 12.0 Copyright (c) 1983,98 Inprise Corporation
CodeGen.dpr(912) Hint: Value assigned to 'wop' never used
CodeGen.dpr(1073) Warning: Variable 'cur' might not have been initialized
CodeGen.dpr(2140) Warning: Return value of function 'TCodeBlock.GetLevel' might be undefin
CodeGen.dpr(3293) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.CountLexem' might be undefine
CodeGen.dpr(3397) Hint: Variable 'pe' is declared but never used in 'TParser.LinkedLexem'
CodeGen.dpr(3435) Warning: Comparison always evaluates to True
CodeGen.dpr(3435) Warning: Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
CodeGen.dpr(3447) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.IsSetLexem' might be undefine
CodeGen.dpr(3464) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.IsPropLexem' might be undefin
CodeGen.dpr(3477) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.IsSecLexem' might be undefine
CodeGen.dpr(3492) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.TypeOfLexem' might be undefin
CodeGen.dpr(3503) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.StrLexem' might be undefined
CodeGen.dpr(3514) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.CodeLexem' might be undefined

CodeGen.dpr(3535) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.CallFunc' might be undefined
CodeGen.dpr(3583) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.CallIntFunc' might be undefin
CodeGen.dpr(3727) Warning: Variable 'args' might not have been initialized
CodeGen.dpr(3648) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.CallObject' might be undefine
CodeGen.dpr(3834) Warning: Variable 'v' might not have been initialized
CodeGen.dpr(3841) Hint: Variable 'r' is declared but never used in 'TParser.Level5'
CodeGen.dpr(3863) Hint: Variable 'r' is declared but never used in 'TParser.Level6'
CodeGen.dpr(3909) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.Level8' might be undefined
CodeGen.dpr(3977) Warning: Return value of function 'TParser.Level11' might be undefined
CodeGen.dpr(3959) Hint: Variable 'dt' is declared but never used in 'TParser.Level11'
CodeGen.dpr(4349) Hint: Variable 'buf' is declared but never used in 'synReadFuncList'
CodeGen.dpr(227) Hint: Private symbol 'isDebug' declared but never used
CodeGen.dpr(239) Hint: Private symbol 'CheckSymbol' declared but never used
4415 lines, 0.19 seconds, 64088 bytes code, 1905 bytes data.
Press any key to continue . . .

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