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#1: 2014-11-08 17:55:53 ЛС | профиль | цитата
[url=http://www.astro.com/swisseph/swephprg.htm#_Toc379890553 писал(а):
Programmer's Documentation[/url]]In Delphi 2.0 the declaration of the function swe_calc() looks like this:
xx : Array[0..5] of double;
function swe_calc (tjd : double; // Julian day number
ipl : Integer; // planet number
iflag : Longint; // flag bits
var xx[0] : double;
sErr : PChar // Error-String;
) : Longint; stdcall; far; external 'swedll32.dll' Name '_swe_calc@24';
A nearly complete set of declarations is in file \sweph\delphi2\swe_d32.pas.A small sample project for Delphi 2.0 is also included in the same directory (starting with release 1.25 from June 1998). This sample requires the DLL to exist in the same directory as the sample.

[url=http://forum.argo-school.ru/showthread.php?t=904 писал(а):
LordWilex[/url]]Сами файлы эфемерид, если у вас их нет, - можно скачать здесь: ftp://ftp.astro.com/pub/swisseph/ephe/. иначе почти ни чего работать не будет!!!

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