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В какой хинт ты это впихнешь, к примеру...
d Day of the month as digits without leading zeros for single digit days.
dd Day of the month as digits with leading zeros for single digit days
ddd Day of the week as a 3-letter abbreviation as specified by a
dddd Day of the week as specified by a LOCALE_SDAYNAME value.
M Month as digits without leading zeros for single digit months.
MM Month as digits with leading zeros for single digit months
MMM Month as a three letter abbreviation as specified by a LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME value.
MMMM Month as specified by a LOCALE_SMONTHNAME value.
y Year represented only be the last digit.
yy Year represented only be the last two digits.
yyyy Year represented by the full 4 digits.
gg Period/era string as specified by the CAL_SERASTRING value. The gg
format picture in a date string is ignored if there is no associated era
string. In Enlish locales, usual values are BC or AD.
h Hours without leading zeros for single-digit hours (12-hour clock).
hh Hours with leading zeros for single-digit hours (12-hour clock).
H Hours without leading zeros for single-digit hours (24-hour clock).
HH Hours with leading zeros for single-digit hours (24-hour clock).
m Minutes without leading zeros for single-digit minutes.
mm Minutes with leading zeros for single-digit minutes.
s Seconds without leading zeros for single-digit seconds.
ss Seconds with leading zeros for single-digit seconds.
t One character–time marker string (usually P or A, in English locales).
tt Multicharacter–time marker string (usually PM or AM, in English locales).
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