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#1: 2008-08-29 20:08:32 ЛС | профиль | цитата
ХЭМ, при вставлении схемы code_2281.txt хиасм ругается:
отладка писал(а):
Свойство |5:begin|24: nd : элемента InlineCode не найдено!

А при попытке запустить:

Build start...
Generated code
Create project...
Command line: dcc32.exe "C:\HiAsm\3_65b168\Elements\delphi\code\Project2.dpr" "-UC:\HiAsm\3_65b168\." -Q "-EC:\HiAsm\3_65b168\
Borland Delphi Version 12.0 Copyright (c) 1983,98 Inprise Corporation

C:\HiAsm\3_65b168\Elements\delphi\code\hiInlineCode_8B7EA2C.pas(119) Hint: Variable 'j' is declared but never used in 'ThiInlineCode_8B7EA2C.doMsgIn'

C:\HiAsm\3_65b168\Elements\delphi\code\hiInlineCode_8B7EA2C.pas(188) Warning: Return value of function 'ThiInlineCode_8B7EA2C._Get' might be undefined

C:\HiAsm\3_65b168\Elements\delphi\code\hiInlineCode_8B7EA2C.pas(210) Error: Declaration expected but end of file found

C:\HiAsm\3_65b168\Elements\delphi\code\hiInlineCode_8B7EA2C.pas(15) Hint: Private symbol 'Arr1' declared but never used

C:\HiAsm\3_65b168\Elements\delphi\code\hiInlineCode_8B7EA2C.pas(16) Hint: Private symbol 'wic' declared but never used

C:\HiAsm\3_65b168\Elements\delphi\code\Project2.dpr(23) Fatal: Could not compile used unit 'hiInlineCode_8B7EA2C.pas'
Compress code
End build

зы: (версия 168, Delphi4).
карма: 0